Home Is Not What You Think

Home Is Not What You Think

Where is your home?

The immediate answer to that question is usually an address… maybe to the actual house, maybe just a city.  That’s not really your home, though… that’s your house (or apartment or whatever).

Your home, on the other hand, is the place where you feel most like you.  It is the place where you least feel like you have to put on a “face” and project a different person.  It is where you feel safe enough to be you.

Strangely enough, for some people work is home (and vice versa… some people feel like their “home” is work).  Home, for you, could be the car on your daily commute to work.

It could, of course, actually be your house… the two are not mutually exclusive, they just aren’t identical either.  If your home is your house, it’s also probably not the whole place.  It’s far more likely one room… maybe your bedroom, or your game room, or your study, or your kitchen.

Some people even have the amazing ability to bring their home with them… it’s not so much a location for those people as it is a state.

Other people likely have a hard time understanding how your home can be your home, even the people that are closest to you.  If you told people that your home was the house in the picture above, for example, most of them would probably think you were crazy.  If that’s where you find your peace, however, it becomes your home.

In an awesome gift from the Creator, you can even achieve some of the peace and healing of home by finding a few minutes away from others and just visualizing it, making it as real as possible in your mind… complete with smells, sounds, and everything else, even if it’s just in your imagination.

Here is the question for today, and most of us don’t know without giving it some real thought:

Where is your home?

PS – I know this is a short one… but I figured short ones more frequently is better than one long article every month or so.  Was I right?


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