What is in your heart will come out of your mouth, and what comes out of your mouth can go into your heart. This being the case, be aware of what you say. You don’t want to keep speaking things that you don’t want in your heart.
You should also be aware of what you say because it may impact others more than you would ever imagine. My father told me a story once of someone he hadn’t seen for a very long time coming up to him and telling him “I’ll never forget what you said to me.” The conversation in question had happened twenty years earlier, and my father didn’t even remember it. What you say can make a difference in someone’s entire life, even if you don’t have any such intention.
What you say molds peoples’ expectations, including your own. This means more than you might think… expectations are powerful things (More on expectations in a coming post). Words can do much harm, or much good, more than it seems at first glance. So be aware of what you say, and if it will shape things in a negative way, then don’t say it.